![]() | I, Robot One man saw it coming., Laws are made to be broken, What will you do with yours? Formats: hidivx, 720p, divx, hpc, ipod Genres: Action, Thriller, Mystery, Sci-Fi Year: 2004 IMDB Rating: 7.00 IMDB Votes: 43645 Actors: March, Craig as Detective, Smith, Will as Del Spooner, Cromwell, James as Dr. Alfred Lanning, Hogan, Fiona as V.I.K.I., Greenwood, Bruce as Lawrence Robertson, Haysom, David as NS4 Robots, Chen, Terry as Chin, Shinkoda, Peter as Chin, Wilkins, Sharon as Woman, McBride, Chi as Lt. John Bergin, Moynahan, Bridget as Susan Calvin, Ricard, Adrian as Granny, Wasserman, Jerry as Baldez, Tudyk, Alan as Sonny, Heindl, Scott as NS5 Robots |
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in one sentence: this is not Asimov, it is not entertainment. Cycle of the original story was smart and stimulating, this DVD film I, Robot is neither. Most of the major story lines are gone (where are the boys tester? Where is that robot from a cult? Where ... Where ... When ...?). Asimov is not the plot, and I take a name of a classic of fiction writing as gross disrespect - the author and an insult to the intelligence of viewers (assuming there are any). It really has talent, and the insolence of a classic screw chutzpa: thank you very much for the producers of p *** ing on the grave of Asimov - the movie: I, Robot was almost as bad as everyone in 80 days, only more, nobody says Verne more, anyway. And to add insult to injury, I was convinced it was paying to see a movie, no more commercial minutes per hour of TV. JVC, Audi, Converse and others - here's my money, this is as close as ever to see it. I want a refund, and - in fact there is a presumption of literate people out there - I suggest you dig up the book and read it. |
I really can not think of any redeeming this absolutely bad that Asimov provide art direction. Forget product placement disaster, the unconvincing performance of Will Smith and huge plot holes. This is not only ridiculous and painful, but to see. Even the action was boring. A mix of inspiration production values of MTV and probably totally bad dialogue to very young children. What a shame that this bad science fiction can still be made after we had Bladerunner, Minority Report or lesser extent Dark City (by the same director). This really belongs to the list below 100. Truly horrible. |
Good story, great action, interesting SciFi. Will Smith does not disappoint. This is very fun - almost as good as the I, Robot Action film "Lost in Space", which I liked b / c is pure entertainment and not spoiled SciFi plot. The reason they gave him a 9 instead of 10 is that it is slow for me in the middle. But suddenly took off like a rocket into action. And boy was I surprised! :) Robots, the city landscape, the special effects are done very well. Added to the entire movie. The end was very good so I'm happy with. Therefore, the collapse of many science fiction program director poured out of their own point of view that spoil the whole movie. This does not disappoint. It is very easy and simple entertainment. 9 / 10 -Zafoid PS: Now I think of robots. Will never be loved - never reach the conscience - the only thing that makes us human. Besides this is provided by our Lord God Almighty and the man is nothing more than a jar of clay. -Z |
I just saw this I, Robot Action movie on DVD last night and decided to consult the exams this morning. It seems that "I, Robot" has polarized the critical viewing of the community here in IMDb (and led to a lot of verbal abuse and insults, too.) I find it somewhat surprising, because this I, Robot movie is not great (or even good), but neither is terrible (or even very bad). What this movie: I, Robot is really depressing is .... Depressing that the U.S. movie-goer population is so ready for a return to bland, blocks hot again, and has been hailed as a spectacular new works. This I, Robot Action movie as a "retread" any document which, from the plot (an uncomfortable mix of Asimov and now uber-share) for the character of Smith (a cynical smart mouth with a backbone of titanium) to special effects (which borrowed from the matrix and some others). "I, Robot" is, unfortunately, quite possibly the best action I, Robot film for the audience today: land surface insipidly snappy dialogue, and lots and lots of adrenaline. Smith is mediocre, but we already knew (which seems to be the last Hollywood attempt to create a black Bruce Willis). The story has many holes in it, of all sizes, but I do not think most people are drawn to this I, Robot Action film minded critical enough to notice. Maybe a blockbuster by today's standards, but B-movie in comparison to the real winner. |
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